We have had a great 1st Six Weeks at Curtis Elementary! After ending our first grading period, we are ramped up and ready to keep moving. Teachers have worked hard to assess students, and now they are ready to dig in and close gaps.
A large part of improvement is to know where students are so that teachers and students can set and readjust achievement goals. Many hours were spent over the last few weeks to determine what students know and what they need to know. Now teachers are ready to differentiate instruction so that every student can set a target for his or her learning.
Over the last few weeks, I have had many great conversations with teachers on how they will set up their student data binders. Allowing students to track their own data and set their own goals is an effective way to help close achievement gaps. Students see for themselves what they need to learn and how they need to learn. Student data folders can empower students to own their learning. It becomes less about, " The teacher gave me this grade." It becomes more about, " I still needing to learn how to multiply double digit numbers by single digit numbers." Student data folders, if used effectively, can make a huge difference in changing the learning culture in the classroom.
By allowing students to track their learning data, teachers and students can have meaningful conversations about what the student is going to do about the learning. It also allows teachers to reflect on what they will do about instruction. It allows for teachers to individualize instruction. The learning process is NOT about the teaching. It is about the learning. Student data folders help students to be part of the conversation. It allows them some voice and choice in how they will learn, and it allows student to own their learning.
Here are some resources for learning how to utilize data folders as a tool for students to own their learning.
Education Week Teacher
The Leader in Me Blog