Wow! We are totally ready for a new school year at Curtis Elementary. We kicked off our new year with our Curtis Risk Takers at our annual Curtis Retreat! We had a fabulous time of fellowship and fun.
Our theme this year (and always) is "Taking Risks," and that is what we did! Curtis Teachers teamed up and accepted the challenge of some Risky Relays. Each team member decided on the level of risk they were willing to take to choose their leg of the relay. The relays started with some corn hole to paddling a boat across the swimming pool to a zip-line to a narrow board across the snake river (really a dried up creek bed). Throughout these relays, one of Queen's classic hits, "We are the Champions," played through my head. Curtis staff members are all champions for kids!
I believe that this will be a year filled with teachers taking intelligent risks in order to provide the best education for students. We want to -Do School Differently- at Curtis. Our challenge is to prepare our students and support them in developing skills that will prepare them for the future. Our mission is to "teach, challenge, and inspire!" Students need to be able to communicate, collaborate, create, and critically think. Curtis staff is up for this challenge!
Next week is our first week of professional development. Our teachers are ready for kids! I am excited about this new school year, and proud to be the Lead Learner of this amazing team of Learning Coaches (teachers). We are all learners at Curtis. One thing I am sure of is that our Curtis teachers are "ALL IN" and ready to take necessary risks to help kids to be ready for the future!
Curtis Retreat